Classroom Education Plan

Coming Soon! The CEP™ : An Innovative Education Improvement Plan.

What is the CEP™

PFLP’s Classroom Education PIan™ uses smart technology to provide a framework for classroom analysis and the design of equitable and engaging learning environments. This software helps teachers prioritize, implement, and monitor teaching strategies, guided by results of a survey, which will analyze their current students’ academic and non-academic achievement indicators.

Why is the CEP™ a game changer?

What we have found through our years of experience:
• Teachers love kids and they want the best for their students.
• Teachers work long hours and spend their own money on resources.
• Teachers have their hands full with increasingly diverse students, more demands than ever to show improved academic outcomes, and extensive paperwork to demonstrate differentiation and progress monitoring.
• Teachers have been challenged with a call to action to use research-based strategies for teaching and interventions.
• Many teachers are not given easy-to-use resources for progress monitoring or finding up-to-date researched strategies.
• Many teachers in the same district, and even in the same school, are using different ways of monitoring, or are not monitoring at all.
• Teachers do all of this and still manage their classrooms, make it through all of the increasingly demanding content, and try to make learning fun and engaging for all students, which requires many out-of-work hours of preparation.
• Teachers still find time for a word of encouragement, notes and calls home to parents, dealing with parent and administrator anxiety, and having class holiday parties.
• Many teachers feel unsupported and under-appreciated.

What we end up with is inequity from class to class, school to school, district to district, and state to state. Teachers have to constantly put out fires presented by student behavior, parent concerns and demands, and administrator expectations regarding testing outcomes, sometimes even threatening their job security.

Teachers do their best to optimize their tight schedules and build whole-group, small-group, and individualized plans for their students; however, there is only so much time in the day, and more often than not, the night! The scheduling struggle can create problems for even the greatest of teachers.

Our solution, which is over a decade in the making, is the Classroom Education PIan™ web application that supports teachers in their quest to improve student engagement and academic outcomes. The Classroom Education PIan™ is a smart software system that allows teachers to focus on and automate classroom analysis, teaching-strategy selection, progress-monitoring reporting, and data-driven decision making.

Just like a puzzle fits together, our framework uses survey data to prioritize research-based, up-to-date strategies that fit the needs of each unique class. Teachers will incrementally improve best teaching practices every time they practice and integrate a new strategy into the classroom. Progress monitoring is simple and provides immediate, automated reporting. We know that given the right tools, teachers and school administrators are well-positioned to experience increased success with teaching and learning goals.

Overall, the CEP™ will help schools be places where learning is valued, teachers are respected, and science is embraced.

Call to participate in our pilot program for a significantly discounted startup rate! 704-540-5252